Things are sizzling here at the Transformational Healing headquarters and I want you to be part of it.



I’m making the final adjustments to the free webinar video that I’ll be sending out later this week. This will contain some great information, a guided meditation and most important…A VERY SPECIAL OFFER FOR YOU.


Let’s not forget that the ultimate spring cleaning doesn’t happen in our closets, under the bed or at the gym. More on this in a couple days so be ready!




In this email…

To take care of you until the next email here are some interviews and videos that provide information on how to “wake up”.


My Radio Interview


Click this link to enjoy a recent interview I did that gives the details behind my transition from special education teacher to transformational healer!


Plus, find out what panic attacks, rain clouds and me have in common!





I’ve created

to help get the spiritual arts word on the streets. If we care about our happiness and our children’s future we need to open our eyes to the bigger picture.

There’s much more to life than we know and journeying inward is the key to unlocking our human potential. Here is the most recent Esoteric Nerd interview. For part 2 and many more interviews go to
The Esoteric Nerd Interviews Julia Desmond
The Esoteric Nerd Interviews Julia Desmond
More opportunities to work with me: 
(In Michigan):
Upcoming Workshops in Michigan: Click the Pics below


Emotional Detox Program                                           Heart Based Retreat

May 18-19th, in MI                                                    May 23-25th in MI




Dave Lesinski,

760 815 6591

[email protected]