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The Bet

If I placed this bet with each person reading this article, I would win more than I would lose.

The bet: I bet you’re not caring for your own needs AND somebody (at least one person) around you is impacted by this.

Self-Nurturance: Terribly Absent on Our Society

During THS sessions, there is one misunderstanding I discuss more than any other…self-nurturance. Not only are people not including self-nurture time in their weekly planner but many don’t seem to know what it means.

It is like as a society we walked away from truly knowing what we require to be happy and cared for. In many cases we feel guilty if we take the time to receive and get our needs met and then there’s the ultimate mistake… “I’m too busy taking care of others to take care of myself.”

Are you a grasping onto others without knowing?

I’m not talking about a selfish or narcissistic self-love here. I’m talking about being a good partner to ourselves in order to impact the world around us in a positive way. You see, the problem with ignoring our needs is it tends to cause us to grasp on to people or things) around us in order get our needs met. This sucks their energy and negatively impacts their life. We do this unknowingly (sub-consciously). Inside a part of us is hurt in some way and naturally we look for support.

Some examples:

1. Parent living vicariously through their children

2. Sports fans living vicariously through their team

3. Someone basing too much of their happiness on their partner/relationship and not living their own life.

4. Addict depending on their alcohol or drugs

Has this happened to you?


It doesn’t take but a few seconds for most of us to look back at our lives and connect with a time in which a parent, sibling, loved one or friend was not very enjoyable to be around. Maybe they were angry or depressed. Maybe they were frustrated, fed up or stressed out. Either way it impacted their ability to be the best support they could be and quite possibly affected us in a negative way.

If you take a close look at these past situations you will deduce quickly that if they would have understood how important self-nurturance was they could have been happier, healthier and a better friend, parent or support.

Now look at your life. How have you been feeling? Are you being the best friend or family member to those around you? Are you self-nurturing? Is it time to make some changes?

Check out the list below and get started on what you are drawn to. You deserve it and your friends and family are depending on it.

Nurture Yourself in a Healthy Way (You Deserve It)


1. Pleasure: massage, hot tubs, saunas, Ayurvedic spa treatments, Transformational Healing, etc.

2. Refined Entertainment: music, arts, uplifting movies and shows, etc.

3. Gifting: buying new clothes, new toys (gadgets), etc.

4. Self-Talk: self-praise and restructuring critical self-talk

5. Taking a Break: not working so hard, less efforting and forcing, walks outside, nature breaks, etc.

6. *The Ultimate Self-Nurture Technique

*The Ultimate Self-Nurturance

In my opinion, the ultimate self-nurturance is self-discovery. By uncovering the love, peace and abundance within we exude happiness, generosity and contentment with every breath. We feel fulfilled in the present moment and trust that all is ok even in times of trouble. We are in-tune with fulfilling our true desires and how we are to enjoy them. There is nothing more nurturing then filling with love and life from within.

How do we do this? We establish a daily retreat that fits our lifestyle and schedule. We fill our retreat time with meditation, prayer and other stress-releasing and uplifting techniques. Another way is Transformational Healing. This allows you to release stress, enjoy deep relaxation, grow closer to yourself and learn simple techniques for self-discovery and improvement.