Vedic Counseling and Mentorship

“David Lesinski is a gifted healer that seems to magically blend practical wisdom with deep intuitive guidance. The work he does has affected me on so many levels—physically, spiritually and mentally. My sessions with him have been transformative, to say the least. With David’s guidance, I have integrated many things into my life that have helped ease my anxieties, soothe my belly, and propel me further into the fulfilling life that I know I’m meant to be living.”

Erin Floresca, CA 

  Vedic Counseling and Spiritual Mentorship


Vedic Counseling supports you in experiencing a greater potential for love, peace, joy, abundance and fulfillment. The information, personal insights, discussions and remedies provided in a Vedic counseling session will assist you in moving your life in a positive direction and energize you to do so.

Vedic counseling guides you to a place in which your gifts and talents can shine all the while feeling more at peace within and in love with the present moment. It increases your capacity to take action from a place of fullness and supporting others with that fullness. It will support you in understanding you don’t have to endlessly carry the stress you’ve picked up from life and that you owe it to yourself and your loved ones to let it go.

Vedic counseling can remind you of how well you’re doing while at the same time providing any course correction needed. It gives you a deeper understanding of who you are and the behaviors, habits, stories and belief systems that follow you along. Vedic Counseling balances the spiritual, mental, emotional and physical aspects of you, will step you forward powerfully into a happier and healthier state of being and support you in connecting with your own intuition and deep heart as a way to empower you in gracefully leading your best life.


Vedic Counseling is for you if:  

  • You want to develop a more positive outlook on life
  • You want to feel balanced in your relationships
  • You want more energy and vitality
  • You feel stuck and want to find clarity, direction and purpose
  • You want to awaken the Divine Spirit that lies within
  • You want to quantum leap your emotional intelligence
  • You would like to take some large leaps towards your highest potential
  • You’re interested in replacing stress with feeling content, peaceful and happy


Clients Report:

  • Greater understanding of how stress-patterning can be resolved
  • Detailed explanations and guidance
  • Feeling lighter + happier + empowered + sense of well-being
  • Ability to see the connection between habits/lifestyle and physical ailments
  • Release from limiting habits and patterns
  • A safe and nurturing environment
  • Easily accessible for questions and explanations


To read success stories click HERE.


Start with a free call to see if Vedic Counseling is for you:

1. Contact me at (760) 815-6591 or [email protected].
2. If I think I can help, we’ll set up a reading.
3. Readings are available long distance via Zoom.