Psychic Astrology Readings and Counseling
The information, personal insights, and remedies provided in a psychic astrology session will assist you in moving your life in a positive direction and energize you to do so. Psychic astrology guides you towards a place in which your gifts and talents can shine while feeling more at peace within. It increases your capacity to take action from a place of fullness and offers solutions to the problems and obstacles causing stress in your life.
Psychic astrology can remind you of how well you’re doing while at the same time providing any course correction needed. It gives you a deeper understanding of who you are and the behaviors, habits, stories and belief systems that follow you along. More importantly, psychic astrology offers you the individualized solutions and remedies to counteract your limiting beliefs bringing greater balance to your spiritual, mental-emotional and physical self.
Clients Report:
- An understanding of how stress-patterning can be resolved
- Detailed explanations and guidance
- Feeling lighter + happier + empowered + sense of well-being
- An increase in emotional intelligence leading to balance in their relationships
- Release from limiting habits and patterns
- A safe and nurturing environment
- Easily accessible for questions and explanations
- Greater connection the the Divine Spirit within
- Clear and applicable solutions leading to clarity, direction and purpose
To read success stories click HERE.
Start with a free call to see if Psychic Astrology is for you:
1. Contact me at (760) 815-6591 or [email protected].
2. If I think I can help, we’ll set up a reading.
3. Readings are available via phone or Zoom.

Psychic astrology is unique in that it’s both a personalized healing session and informative Vedic astrology reading blended as one. Sessions are 60-75 minutes long. Sessions are offered via Zoom or phone and recorded.

$580 (4 sessions)
An initial commitment of 4 sessions is required for ongoing counseling. After the 4 sessions you have a choice to pay session by session ($155) or purchase another round of 4. Sessions are offerred via Zoom or phone.

Workshops can be tailored for in person or online groups of any size. Contact me for more info.
Current workshops offered:
1. Introduction to Ayurveda (level 1, 2 and 3)
2. Dynamic Soul Healing
3. Introduction to Vedic Astrology
Erin Floresca, CA