St. Francis Strikes Again

st. francis

Most of what I do in my office is the result of following guidance. The stage is set at the beginning of the ERT session when I close my eyes and call in my spiritual team. This is a short list of angels and ascended masters which includes St. Francis.

I’ve always felt close to St. Francis and enjoy his powerful yet soft approach to healing. In my experience it’s easy to forget his energy is present because it’s such a relaxed and subtle vibration. Once in a while he lets himself be known and on this occasion that is exactly what he did.

Typically I see St. Francis begin his healing work on the feet of the client but today he chose to move to the opposite end of the table and lightly cradle her neck and head. I began my work and soon forgot about this interesting start to the session.

About ten minutes into the session I noticed my client smiling as she let out a soft, playful laugh. This went on for a couple minutes and then stopped. I made a mental note of this but moved on with the healing as emotional release is quite common during a session.

Forty-five minutes later the energy work portion of the session came to an end. The stress was removed, the energy was balanced and the channeled information was recorded for discussion. As we sat down to discuss her healing plan I first asked her to share any insights or experiences she had during her time on the table.

She explained that she was shocked at what happened. At the beginning of the session she saw St. Francis approach the table and relax her nerves by lightly caressing her face with the back of his hand. She said it felt supportive, nurturing but also a little ticklish and made her smile. She was very thankful. Life had been stressful lately and she was having a hard time relaxing not to mention she had forgot how good it felt to let go, smile and be silly once in a while.

We continued the post-session discussion but I made sure to quietly pray a heartfelt thank you to St. Francis for helping out once again.


Choose 2-3 spiritual beings that you are drawn to. Call on them daily to be a part of your life. Speak to them the way you would a good friend. Tell them everything and ask for support.

Be open to spiritual experiences. They are real. 2014 is all about opening up to a greater level of awareness as to how things really work. Part of that is connecting deeply with your sixth sense in order to live a more balanced life. Start with a daily meditation practice and come in for an ERT session and gain some spiritual momentum. All is coming.