Rule of Self-Healing #2: Let Bygones be Bygones
You were doing the best you could with what you had.

Looking back at decisions we’ve made and how they have affected our life and the lives of others can be an interesting process. What is more interesting is the fact that these decisions have a greater impact on our life than we realize.

It is easy for us to look at the obvious results of many decisions. What has happened since I changed careers? What has happened since I ended that relationship? How did that conversation I had make a difference? We learn quickly that it isn’t about making the 100% correct decision. It is about making a decision and realizing that there may be a mixture of both positive and perceived negative outcomes from it…we just try to choose the one that has the most positive upswing!

However, at times we realize we have done things that we are not proud of or wish we would have done differently.

Recently I have noticed many clients allowing these past mistakes in the form of guilt, shame and embarrassment to travel within their emotional body and have great impact on their health and well-being.

It is time to begin the process of letting go. Realize that when looking back at the past you are looking at a different person than you are now… a person with less wisdom and experience than you have now. Realize that you were doing the best you could with what you had at the time. Those past decisions were a culmination of information and experiences that had led up to that point.

And…don’t forget that the people you may have effected played a part as well. They had a certain karma to deal with and learn from and it turns out you were the catalyst for that.

Relax; let go of shame, regret and trying to control or change a decision that was made years ago. You were doing the best you could. You learned from it and it is time to move on. The best way to break free from the emotional and mental weight that some of these decisions have on us is through techniques like Heart Based Meditation, Karmic Bookkeeping and more. Look into these things and enjoy feeling better already!

Peace. Enjoy knowing you did the best you could with what you had.

To go deeper into your story book your Karmic Bookkeeping session with me now!