[youtube_sc url=”http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kM9B8Conse0&feature=youtube_gdata” width=”400″ height=”320″]

When I ask people, “Why should we meditate?” or “Why should we experience Energy Restoration Therapy” I often times get answers like; relaxation, stress release and to clear our mind. While these are all wonderful side effects they merely scratch the surface of why we may choose to do “self-work” of any kind.

To keep this simple we meditate and participate in Energy Restoration Therapy (ERT) for one reason and that is to evolve ourselves.

Evolution means stepping towards our potential as a human being. Each time someone steps into my office for ERT or sits down to meditate they are clearing up the “gunk” in our nervous system and spiritual body and this allows a faster rate of evolution. Making a longer story short…cleaning up the darkness (stress) allows more space for the Divine light to shine through.

Here is a more detailed list of the benefits of evolution that one can expert with regular ERT visits or a daily meditation practice.

1. —Personal Power-a clearer understanding of who we are and how we are to impact this world. A deeper self-respect and self love can be fostered.

—2. Mental Clarity-foggy brain lifts away and our problem solving abilities improve.

—3. Better Relationships-all interpersonal relationships improve including the one with ourselves

—4. Bliss, Joy, Peace and Contentment-let’s just say your daily smile time increases

—5. Trust-a deeper trust that things will work out even in the midst of challenge

—6. Generosity and Compassion-we become more empathetic and think of others before ourselves

—7. More efficient-we get more done even though we are taking time to meditate each day

—8. Better Health and stronger Immune System-clear up stress and everything works better. For more detail on how this is possible click Create Life

This list is just the beginning. People who use ERT to clear up stress and learn heart based meditation to bring harmony to the nervous system share all types of beautiful stories with me from better sleep to psychic abilities! Bring balance to your body and anything is possible.


There is one benefit not listed above that by far trumps all. This benefit is at the core of the Discover IT Forward program. I am working on the power point slide to explain this ultimate benefit as we speak. I hope to see you at the Discover IT Forward workshop on November 9th in Encinitas or contact me to participate in a one on one session.