Consciousness Cocktail: Get Grounded
Feeling flighty or stuck in your head?
Often times this happens when you go through time periods of stress in which you’ve been over-thinking problems and solutions.
In this case you need to drive energy back down into the lower part of the body.
Think about it this way…all of your focus and attention has been up in your head and with it came an unbalanced amount of energy. The body works best when its inner energy is balanced.
The Grounded Cocktail: Do the following three days in a row.
1. Meditation:
a) Take a seat with feet flat on the floor.
b) Take three deep breaths. With each exhale feel your muscles relaxing.
c) Visualize your legs growing downward into the ground like roots of a tree. Be open to what you notice as you grow your legs into the earth. You may pass by rocks, dirt, roots, etc.
d) Once you see yourself rooted deep into the supportive Mother Earth visualize her absorbing the stressful energy and thoughts from your body. Start with your head and work your way down. Allow the stressful thoughts to drain into the legs and finally into the ground.
e) Take a few minutes to bring the meditation to an end. Reconnect with your breath then wiggle your fingers and toes and eventually open your eyes.
f) This meditation can last as long as you would like it to. Sometimes a quick two minutes is all you need other times 15 minutes sounds better!
2. Work Out: Jogging, walking or lifting weights is a great way to reconnect with the physical body and get out of the head. Another option is to walk out in the grass or sand with bare feet.