into the great abyss
your soul memories dive
mixing with the great consciousness
you’re ready to arrive
but before you fall away
you take one more look back
you know this isn’t the final time
you’ll bathe in this great bath
and with that loving feeling held
you release into the flow
that moves you along your spiritual path
to experience and grow
until the day you’ve lived enough
you’ve experienced and evolved
to a place of self-realization
where separation is solved
it’s at that point you will know truth
causing your arms to open wide
that everything is bathed in love
and love is the reason why
without a perceived disconnect
in which you experience something else
you wouldn’t know how amazing you are
the total you wouldn’t be felt
so you created a special system
to allow your truth be fully known
and now that you know you are pure love
your soul can return home
Weathered Soul
you’ve had moments
when you’ve had to weather the storm
fighting to stay positive
stress levels way above norm
I’m here to say to you
thank you for your work
cause it’s at those times you fought and cried
you were fighting for planet earth
we’re all connected beings you see
connected deep within our souls
so when you rose above your karma
the whole world got a chance to grow
bumps sometimes occur in life
so remember what you now know
every time you rise above
I get to step closer to Flow
thank you for choosing to do the work
when most people run and hide
and Mother Earth thanks you too
cause your work has turned the tide
Peace Flow
through relationships with people
our hearts learn and grow
until the day we’ve learned enough
and love is all we know
but on the way there may be bumps
caused by the fear that’s in the way
which in turned causes us
to hold back the words we say
and on the day you realize
that it’s you who’s holding back
start by forgiving yourself
you’re doing the best with what you have
often times we fear what’s next
or what will happen when we speak
not knowing that it’s just our perception
in the way of the love we seek
so take a breath and go within
call on the spirit guiding you
ask for healing, courage and support
then lovingly speak the truth
after that sit back and smile
as connection increases and grows
not only the connection between you and them
but the one between you and your soul
Rebirth II
it’s time to fully grasp
this isn’t your first rodeo
and that you created this human ride
so your truth would be fully known
your desire was to always know truth
that you are constant love and grace
and that passion created intelligent ripples
which began to collaborate
then out of perfection came human form
as a way to experience that truth
that everything is total love
which in turn means God is you
so now that you know this sacred fact
I think it’s pretty clear
that experiencing what you really are
is the reason why you’re here
so take a moment and think about
the best way to experience you
and since you decided on the five senses
what sensations shall you choose
love, peace and joy
mixed with a little bit of bliss
these would be the favored choices
you’d want your senses to experience
so the simple fact remains
since God and you are the same
experiencing grace, peace and love
is the only rule of your game
Lustrous Gem
there is a power center
hidden deep within you
and sometimes it’s bogged down
by guilt and shame’s residue
but there is no better time
then right here and now
to break free of the guilt you carry
and let your true colors out
it begins by realizing
no one’s perfect at this game
and in regards to what you’ve done
you were doing the best you can
then step into your truth
and do what you love to do
and watch as people follow your lead
cause we could use more people like you
know that you’re a special being
who carries special gifts
and by being your authentic self
the world’s consciousness lifts
Soul Awakening
the work that you’ve done
plus the work that you do
has made great impact
on you being you
every time you meditated
or attended a counseling session
every fear you walked through bravely
the wisdom gained from each lesson
has added up to quite a lot
and been stirring deep within
and reached a culmination point
within your evolution
your soul isn’t the same
as it was just before
it has now stepped into
a very special spiritual door
the connections have been made
realizations have set in
altitude is gained
you’re now soul-awakening
so each and every day
give gratitude for just that
cause the work that you’ve done
has made great impact
and it isn’t only you
that your self-work will touch and help
the whole world benefits
when you play the cards your dealt
One Truth
hidden deep within you
was everything you need
everything to give and love
everything to succeed
but like a floating iceberg
you only saw your tip
and the rest of you was hidden
in the karma just beneath it
until that day when something shifted
and you caught a wider glimpse
you saw that even that karmic weight
was a part of your holy script
based on things you’ve experienced
in this lifetime and before
that lead you to a sacred moment
where your karma was no more
it’s at that point you turned to light
shining into the hearts of others
powering them on their own journeys
while reaching out to help one another
a ripple effect was created
that stems from that very day
that all your work was finally done
and your ego had nothing left to say
so now you sit with a big decision
to come back or stay here
and with a smile in your soul’s heart
you decide to continue to help souls clear
The Storm
hidden deep within
we bring with us karmic storms
and due to these anomalies
in human form we’re born
but before we wish they weren’t
understand this sacred truth
without these inner storms
there’d be no such thing as you
it’s the ebbs and flows of consciousness
that makes this playground fun
plus the experience of two
will one day show us that we’re one
the Great Nature has a plan
so trust and believe
that even your karmic storms
were built to help you see
that all of the ups and downs
exist to expand your soul
and is the most divine way for you
to experience your whole