Deepening Within  (a 4-Week online Course)

2025 is going to be different for you

I’m excited to share with you, Deepening Within, which stems from 20 years of my own self exploration coupled with over 15 years spiritually-counseling others using many techniques, strategies and systems. I’ll be sharing some of the most powerful and supportive ritual-techniques I’ve learned to support you in deepening your connection with your spiritual heart and higher self. Deepening Within will consist of 4, one hour long sessions on Zoom. No prior experiences needed. Each session will be based on a core theme and include the following.

a) a guided meditation related to each week’s theme
b) teachings, journaling, discussions and sharing regarding presence, spirituality and consciousness as related to each theme
c) Homework: I will be sharing 4, easy to implement yet powerful, spiritual techniques to increase presence and a connection with your spiritual heart. 
d) plenty of time for questions and shares

Weekly Themes/Details (may change based on participant needs and interests)

Starting at a very young age, we create a set of core beliefs that stem from our attempts to cope with life’s experiences. These beliefs create habitual, ego-based, behaviors that accidentally cause self sabotage and a distorted view of what’s needed to feel peace, joy, love and fulfillment. It’s through the compassionate understanding, acceptance and integration of these beliefs that allows us to find harmony, peace of mind and a deeper connection with the spiritual, heart-led being we actual are. Deepening Within is the process in which we begin to experience, first hand, to live and give from a place of fullness. 

Week 1: Akashic Record Clearing and Balancing
Week 2: Inner Child Healing and Balancing
Week 3: Family Lineage Healing and Balancing 
Week 4: Relationship Cord Restructuring and Rebalancing 

Cost: $125 (must RSVP and be paid by January 8th)
*once paid we’ll schedule a brief call to chat about any questions you may have and discuss intention setting (this is optional)

Dates: Best to attend all four sessions on Zoom (sessions will be recorded and shared with you)
January 11th: 2:30-3:30EST (11:30-12:30 PST)
January 18th: 2:30-3:30EST (11:30-12:30 PST)
January 25th: 2:30-3:30EST (11:30-12:30 PST)
February 1st: 2:30-3:30EST (11:30-12:30 PST)

How to Enroll:
1. Email, call or text me by January 8th.  760 815 6591
2. We’ll set up a time for a brief phone chat.
3. Send $125 payment (will share details)
4. I’ll send you Zoom invite and details via email. 

To Consider:

1. Participating in Heart Based Meditation training and the Deepening Within experience would be an amazing way to kickoff the new year. 

2. I’ll be learning and participating with you. Joining me for either offering is not the same experience as the typical, therapist-client, relationship. Do not view yourself as a “person in need of fixing” and myself as “someone who has it all figured out.” We are simply two souls who’ve contracted to drop into a sacred, supportive and heart centered container in which your intentions are the guiding force. By establishing that connection we are able to unlock your most powerful route towards fulfillment and potential. 

In Gratitude,
David Lesinski
760 815 6591



Unflappable and Untrappable

This is a channeled message from the Angels of the Golden Ray.

Oh how grandiose your desires for life can be! For too long and way too often you sell yourself short thwarting the magnificent potential seeded within you. Understand there’s nothing more the Divine God wants for you than peace, joy, love and happiness. However time and time again your well intentioned, yet absolutely preposterous, thinking-mind quickly steps in the way slowing down or shutting down the magic. The thinking mind’s toolbox: layer upon layer of false beliefs about oneself and the world around you. It would take too long to list all the potential beliefs you accidentally picked up from life. For now, just know that they’re there. Like many have said in the past, over identification with the physical body and the physical world limits you and gets in the way of the peace, love and joy available to you. Now’s the time to fully step into the belief that you’re much more that you know. You don’t have to understand it all or know how you’re going to figure it all out. Just begin to separate from the belief that you’re separate. Meaning, believe that your physical body is truly a vehicle. A vehicle that’s transporting the actual you, which is a limitless spirit. A spirit that is unflappable and untrappable. The light of God lives in you. Keep saying your prayers and helping others. It’s working. 

From this understanding we can see more clearly why it may be beneficial for you to do some type of regular spiritual practice that supports this belief in growing within you. Not because the physical body is bad or anything but a gift. But because the more you connect with this truth of your life the more compassion, respect, honor, appreciation, energy and love you gain for yourself, your life and those around you. 


Here are some potential places to begin this work (or add to what you’re already doing.) I could speak in detail about all of these and there are many more options. Let me know if you have questions. This is meant to be a list that get’s you started. Which one speaks to you? Once you choose make it happen. 


  1. Meditation: So many types. Contact me to learn or check out some of the new meditation apps out there. 
  2. Spiritual Counseling/Mentorship: People gifted and trained in supporting you to notice and evolve through the false beliefs. Contact me for mentorship or research the many other people out there. 
  3. Yoga 
  4. Breath work
  5. Journaling practice: many books to guide you out there. Or you can just start by authentically sharing on paper how you feel each day. 
  6. Retreats: find a meditation retreat or a retreat that seems to fit a spiritual theme you’re interested in. 
  7. Vedic Astrology: An astrology reading can pinpoint and support a person in growing towards greater self awareness and stress release