The Container Process


Note: Do not hesitate to call or email me any questions or to get support setting this process up. 760 815 6591 [email protected]

  1. Choose a container/jar that somehow resembles you. It’s helpful if the container has a lid. It does not have to be big. However, it should be big enough to fit small items (stones, cotton balls, folded paper, etc.). Don’t get to stuck in trying to find the perfect container. 
  2. Intention is everything. Once you choose, hold the container close to your heart for 5 minutes and imagine it becoming an extension of you. Envelope it within your aura. 
  3. Choose an amount of days you will be doing this process. 11-14 is a good start.
  4. Journal Brainstorm: Find a quiet space and close your eyes. Take a few breaths to settle down and begin to check in. Create a list of what you’re desiring most in life. Some examples could be love, connection, peace, partnership, abundance, healing, etc. Next to each desire list some items that could represent them. You could always write or draw a  picture that explains or represents your desire. For example:

Softness/Relaxation: cotton

Abundance: $100 bill


Connection to Ancestors=picture of ancestors

Peace: peaceful picture, copy of poem 

Ritual Experience:

  1. Meditate or take some breaths to settle the nervous system and be as present as possible. 
  2. Call in any ascended masters, ancestors or spirit guides you would like to support you or witness this process. 
  3. Hold the container close to your heart and connect with it (similar to holding a child). Remember that this container is representing you. It is holding space for you. What you place in it each day is a way to open up to, attract, connect with, pray for and allow in to your life. 
  4. Each day place an item into your container. Do this ceremoniously. Hold the item. Think about what it represents. Intention and connecting with the feeling of what you’re calling in is helpful. Place it in the container. 
  5. EXTRA: Give gratitude for times in your life in which you experienced this desire or quality. Use a memory to connect with that past experience. 
  6. EXTRA:  Wear a bracelet or carry something in your pocket that reminds you to think of today’s item and intention. Setting your phone alarm is another option. 
  7. EXTRA: Journaling: Journal about the item you placed in the container each day. What does it mean to you? Why did you choose that item? What parts of your body “light up” when you think about this item? Once you begin let the writing flow.

Let go of expectations and don’t go searching for change. Just follow the process each day and believe that your intention matters. The subconscious mind and energy will follow along at the perfect moment. 

Unflappable and Untrappable

This is a channeled message from the Angels of the Golden Ray.

Oh how grandiose your desires for life can be! For too long and way too often you sell yourself short thwarting the magnificent potential seeded within you. Understand there’s nothing more the Divine God wants for you than peace, joy, love and happiness. However time and time again your well intentioned, yet absolutely preposterous, thinking-mind quickly steps in the way slowing down or shutting down the magic. The thinking mind’s toolbox: layer upon layer of false beliefs about oneself and the world around you. It would take too long to list all the potential beliefs you accidentally picked up from life. For now, just know that they’re there. Like many have said in the past, over identification with the physical body and the physical world limits you and gets in the way of the peace, love and joy available to you. Now’s the time to fully step into the belief that you’re much more that you know. You don’t have to understand it all or know how you’re going to figure it all out. Just begin to separate from the belief that you’re separate. Meaning, believe that your physical body is truly a vehicle. A vehicle that’s transporting the actual you, which is a limitless spirit. A spirit that is unflappable and untrappable. The light of God lives in you. Keep saying your prayers and helping others. It’s working. 

From this understanding we can see more clearly why it may be beneficial for you to do some type of regular spiritual practice that supports this belief in growing within you. Not because the physical body is bad or anything but a gift. But because the more you connect with this truth of your life the more compassion, respect, honor, appreciation, energy and love you gain for yourself, your life and those around you. 


Here are some potential places to begin this work (or add to what you’re already doing.) I could speak in detail about all of these and there are many more options. Let me know if you have questions. This is meant to be a list that get’s you started. Which one speaks to you? Once you choose make it happen. 


  1. Meditation: So many types. Contact me to learn or check out some of the new meditation apps out there. 
  2. Spiritual Counseling/Mentorship: People gifted and trained in supporting you to notice and evolve through the false beliefs. Contact me for mentorship or research the many other people out there. 
  3. Yoga 
  4. Breath work
  5. Journaling practice: many books to guide you out there. Or you can just start by authentically sharing on paper how you feel each day. 
  6. Retreats: find a meditation retreat or a retreat that seems to fit a spiritual theme you’re interested in. 
  7. Vedic Astrology: An astrology reading can pinpoint and support a person in growing towards greater self awareness and stress release