by David | Nov 5, 2013 | Blog, Radiant Living Strategies, Strategies for Success, Stress Management
[youtube_sc url=”” width=”420″ height=”200″] What a bundle of fun I was last week! If you saw me out and about you may have avoided me cause I’m sure the look on my face said it all....
by David | Oct 28, 2013 | Blog
[youtube_sc url=”” width=”400″ height=”320″] When I ask people, “Why should we meditate?” or “Why should we experience Energy Restoration...
by David | Oct 21, 2013 | Blog, Larger Lessons Therapies, Motivation, Spiritual Side of Things, Stress Management, The Subtle-Energy Body
The Most Efficient Way to Create the Life You Desire I recently caught myself complaining about a challenge that came up in my life. After a few minutes of feeling sorry for myself I remembered that it was I who created this challenge. Having nobody to blame for our...
by David | Oct 7, 2013 | Blog, Larger Lessons Therapies, Radiant Living Strategies, Strategies for Success, Stress Management
a 3 step process to feeling better The fact is we’re all going to have days in which we wake up on the wrong side of the bed or feel emotionally sensitive. While Autumn is a beautiful time of the year many clients report that this season brings with it sleepless...
by David | Sep 29, 2013 | Blog, Larger Lessons Therapies, Motivation, Strategies for Success, Stress Management
Student Says, “Master, I very discouraged and I don’t know what to do.” Master Says, “Encourage Others.” We have all been there. Down in a rut. Confused. Uncertain of what to do next. Not sure where to go or where to turn. Once in a while...
by David | Sep 26, 2013 | Blog, Larger Lessons Therapies, Motivation, Spiritual Side of Things, Strategies for Success, Stress Management, The Subtle-Energy Body
FOR MORE DETAILS ON THE INFO IN THIS POST VIEW THE FREE VIDEO BELOW You can’t cheat your way to superpower strength. But you can develop it. The key…MEDITATION. But not all meditations are created equal. There are many different types of meditation in this...