by David | Sep 19, 2013 | Blog, Larger Lessons Therapies, Motivation, Spiritual Side of Things, Strategies for Success, The Subtle-Energy Body
Here comes the fall…school has started, football Sundays, Halloween and preparing for the holidays that are right around the corner. Sounds like fun…but not exactly the most relaxing time of the year. It does not have to be this way. Flow...
by David | Sep 12, 2013 | Blog, Larger Lessons Therapies, Spiritual Side of Things, The Subtle-Energy Body
and what Michael Jackson, Joe Paterno and elevators have to do with it… It wasn’t normal for me to be lifted in the line-out But that was the play that was called. As I came down I was hit hard and knew right away that something was wrong with my ankle. I...
by David | Jul 11, 2013 | Blog, Larger Lessons Therapies, Motivation, Spiritual Side of Things, Strategies for Success
“The roller coaster isn’t going to stop but you can learn to enjoy the ride.”-Dave Lesinski In order to move gracefully through life’s perceived ups and downs we must combine two forces. The two forces we must blend are: 1. A daily spiritual practice in order to...
by David | Jun 19, 2013 | Blog, Larger Lessons Therapies, Motivation, Relationships
When relationship conflicts of any kind happen we usually step into the blame game. We do this without thinking. It’s a very bad habit. We tend to blame the other person involved or the situation itself rather than looking into our behavior and how it might be...
by David | Apr 21, 2013 | Blog, Larger Lessons Therapies, Motivation, Spiritual Side of Things, Strategies for Success, Stress Management, The Subtle-Energy Body
It was time for me to face some of my deepest patterning in order to make positive change in my life. I had recently realized that I had not fully grown into manhood. Part of me was stuck as a boy and another part of me was stuck as a monk. Being too oriented with...
by David | Feb 16, 2013 | Blog, Larger Lessons Therapies, Motivation, Spiritual Side of Things, Strategies for Success
Rule of Self-Healing #2: Let Bygones be Bygones You were doing the best you could with what you had. Looking back at decisions we’ve made and how they have affected our life and the lives of others can be an interesting process. What is more interesting is the fact...