Happy Full Moon Friday!

Take a moment to look at this painting and then read the poem. It will lead into this month’s message.Moon: The Nurturer (48×48)       
By David Lesinski

fall into me, my arms are open
I’ll hold you forever more
my strength is in my steadfastness
combined with nurturance and warmth

when softness is what you need
let go into me
not only will I hold you safe
I’ll support let go and release

my role is multilayered
starting with I truly care
and included in my repertoire
is releasing the pain that’s there

so call on me when you need
a hug and surrounding warmth
with my help you’ll make it through
each and every releasing storm

and each time you rise above
you become a stronger version of you
until you’ve risen high enough
to reach sacred altitude

at that moment I’ll step back
knowing I did all I could do
to help you in a nurturing way
to experience this truth

that I am you and you are me
and now it’s time to say goodbye
because there’s nothing left that exists between
your spirit and the sky

For Sales Inquiries contact David Lesinski: [email protected]/760 815 6591

Full Moon Meditation

I’m guessing there’s one thing your nervous system needs more than anything else…rest, some more rest and then more rest. Sometimes we get so caught up in “the doing” of life  that we forget that the #1 key to healing and rising above our stress is to rest and allow the body to heal.

With that in mind try the Full Moon Healing meditation below. Remember…The key to letting go of stress is “allowing” our body to release rather than forcing or pushing out the stress and emotional baggage. On this full moon…try the following releasing meditation.

Full Moon Healing

1. Make a list of 2-3 aspects of your life that you are ready to let go of (e.g. lack, fear of speaking up, anger, relationship issues, etc.). Feel free to journal as long as you would like about these old patterns.
2. read the poem above
3. Gaze at the painting above for a couple minutes
4. Lay down and rest for 5 minutes
5. burn your list and give gratitude for the let go and release of these patterns

Sound simple? Just remember…the key to self-growth and healing is allowing, not forcing. GET SOME REST

Art and Poetry Reception: Cardiff, CA