A Message From a Recent Reading
  • Observe, report, respond and take action
  • Voice and expression leads to empowerment 
  • Take your power back

The first word that came up when dropping into your reading is, “observant”. Like a watcher. There’s a strong observant quality you have which is a great asset for many reasons. And currently, you’re being given an opportunity to better understand and better make use of this aspect of yourself. 

Sometimes you get so used to observing that you forget part two of this experience which is taking action based on what you’re observing. You’ve become complacent or avoidant of potential action steps based on what you see or know to be true. You may have been raised to think this way. Beliefs related to keeping your mouth shut and/or your words will make things worse. As a child, this type of “keep it in” behavior could have been instilled in you in many different ways. At a young age we learn from how those closest to us act and interact with the world.

This is a time of action for you. This is a time of empowerment. This is a time of trust. A time of trusting that what you have to say is real, correct, true, helpful and needed. And trusting that your actions will lead you and anyone else involved to a higher ground. This is a time to increase your ability to take action based on your inner and outer vision, breaking free from the, “keep it in and hidden”  mentality of your past.


  1. When interacting with others, make time to observe and report what you notice in regards to speaking up and out and taking actions based on your beliefs and opinions.
  2. Be open to recognizing and making any life changes or adjustments based on how you feel about something. 
  3. Let yourself be heard. By increasing your ability to speak your mind and trust in your own observations of life you will be setting a new self-precedence and begin to see the positive impact these changes have on the world around you. In a way, by taking action in this way you will “gain steam” and feel more empowered as a whole. 
  4. A safe place to start is by getting very real with yourself. By starting this self inquiry by taking a look at your own habits and behaviors and taking full ownership of any unhealthy habitual patterns you have. By stepping back from the emotions to truly look at one or two aspects of your life that may need some adjusting you slowly build confidence in your inner voice. Put new habits into play. As you continue on this path spirit will support you in building power and being more vocal when interacting with others and making life decisions. 

5. It’ important that I’m a little repetitive here in regards to your actual voice. Can you grasp and fully absorb that your voice matters? Are there times in which you leave experiences feeling not fully heard or expressed? It’s time to give your voice more weight. Another great remedy would be incorporating some type of voice opening experience. Some examples would be singing, chanting or taking a Toastmasters course. When it comes to singing or chanting you could just play with it on your own,  watch a YouTube video and sing along or take lessons.  Journaling or enjoying any type of creative art expression is another great place to start. Allow the expression to happen. Allow people to see and hear you. Enjoy learning that the more people know of you the better.

6. You also want to increase your connection to your own intuitive voice. Do you ever give it time and attention? Do you listen and trust it? Do you even know it’s there and very real? By beginning a meditation practice you’re able to relax your nervous system and slow things down a bit. This will help you to open up and be a better listener of your inner guidance system. Once your nervous system is settled you can begin to ask internally, for guidance for the day or week. Write down what comes to mind and decide if you would like to follow it. To learn more specific ways to work with your intuition and/or learn to meditate contact me and we’ll make it happen!