Consciousness Cocktail #2: Perspective Meditation
Try this mixture: 5 minutes a day, 3 days in a row:
1. Close your eyes.
2. Call in any spiritual guides you would like to be present to support the meditation experience.
3. Pay attention to the flow of your breath for three minutes
4. Think back to a memory in which you had a disagreement with someone. Spend a good 1-2 minutes “being” in the memory
5. Pause the memory
6. Ask your higher self to show you the other person’s point of view. Ask to see the reasons for their opinions and actions.
7. Let go and take note of whatever you experience*.
8. Record in a journal
*There are many ways to experience intuitive information. It can be clear, vague, visual, auditory, a knowing, a feeling, metaphoric or other. Be open and trust in your experience. Any time you are confused in what you are experiencing ask for clarity.