Turtle and Self Resourcing

You’re in a bit of a rebirthing process in which you’re learning the evolutionary growth and radiance that happens when you step up and out into the world in a new or different way. It would be worthwhile to examine life and what you’ve learned so far, as a way to determine what you want to keep as a part of your life and what you want to respectfully leave behind in order to create new. Stepping up and out can come a certain level of stress, worry or concern for yourself and those around you. So move slowly. Have patience as you navigate this time in your life. There is absolutely no rush here. Consider putting into your schedule things that slow you down and relax your nervous system. Here are some examples.

  1. Creating a regular routine.
  2. Support from Turtle
  3. Warm baths
  4. A regular meditation or yoga practice
  5. A journaling practice

Routine: A healthy routine is important here as it helps you ground into reality and the power of the present moment. You can make time for what’s important and know that everything will get done. Check yourself if your mind begins to race or falls into the need to move quicker or get things done fast causing unneeded anxiety. This aspect of you must be managed now. We don’t want any type of ungrounded or negative mental energy and anxiety to drive you. 

The Turtle: Call in some turtle energy (consider getting some turtle art or jewelry as a reminder of this helpful energy). A turtle is patient, plotting, grounding and knows what it wants. It can chart the protected path to getting there. The turtle knows not to rush the process or cut corners. It knows when to protect itself from outside influences through the use of boundaries and when to reach out and ask for help. More details here.

Journaling: What is your purpose? Is it related to your current career or a big goal you have? Take time to create on paper a realistic plan to achieving this. Let patience guide the steps needed to get there. Remember, this is your dream and goal. Be strong and established in self. Then, move life in this direction and don’t hesitate to ask for help when needed. Always remember you get to do it your way. You get to be you. Part of this process is about understanding your “oneness”. In other words the unique imprint that you are. Some other topics you may find yourself contemplating or interested in as you step further into this rebirth are:

  1. Identifying your values and what you deemed to be valuable in life
  2. What it means to you to drive your life forward your way
  3. Opening up to a greater understanding of what makes you tick. Learn what sets you apart in a way that allows you to know and love a greater portion of yourself. 

Safety and Security: The next topic to discuss would be the connection these things have to you feeling safe and secure. The difference between a baby being picked up and out of the crib and you stepping up and out into life is nobody is carrying you now. Of course you can rely on family and friends when needed. But life is changing. You’re in the process of further disconnected from the energetic umbilical cord. It makes sense that at times that could feel new, weird, different and uncomfortable. The first thing to know when you feel these emotions is that it’s OK. You are safe. Breathe and check in and repeat that to yourself. I am safe opening and exploring. You’re in the process of establishing a certain level of safety and security in a very new way. This is where routine and a spiritual practice can help calm the nervous system. These consistent practices will remind you that you are safe. You are safe to explore and play and then come back to the nest and rest when needed. So don’t be surprised if you are guided to create a new nest. This could be making adjustments in your current home or finding a new home. As you choose a space or decorate a space make sure it feels nurturing, warm and soft to you. This will allow you to come to home and take a quiet, restful breaks when needed. It’s important for you to come home from a busy and active day into the arms of a sacred container that you created.