Saturn is currently traveling his way through Aquarius. This leaves many of us learning the importance of the phrase “chop wood, carry water”. Be consistent with your practices, especially on the days in which life feels mundane. By sticking with it, day and day out, all is coming. It’s often the little steps we take that add up to the big bang in the end. Keep your eyes on the end prize. But don’t get lost in attachment to it. Make a plan and stick to it. If you step back and take a look at your life you may notice you’re making a bigger impact on those around you than you think. Patience, persistence and integrity. You got this!

The Line Up
By David Lesinski

there your soul was standing
making the delicate plan
regarding which parts of your past
would be on your next exam

and then you looked around
you saw soul family standing there
holding on to all you have
showing their care with prayer

you realized you’re not alone
the choice is simpler than you thought
of course you’re coming back to Earth
that’s when your ticket was bought

and just before you entered in
you took one more look back
an amazing thing was happening
you smiled and even laughed

everyone was lining up
to make the same decision
to enter life with all they had
to stand up for this mission

to make the world a better place
that’s what we’re here to do
we’re willing to deal with all our stuff
to help you deal with you

our intentions reverberated
Into all of living life
and at that moment our tribe of souls
brought light into the night


Unflappable and Untrappable

This is a channeled message from the Angels of the Golden Ray.

Oh how grandiose your desires for life can be! For too long and way too often you sell yourself short thwarting the magnificent potential seeded within you. Understand there’s nothing more the Divine God wants for you than peace, joy, love and happiness. However time and time again your well intentioned, yet absolutely preposterous, thinking-mind quickly steps in the way slowing down or shutting down the magic. The thinking mind’s toolbox: layer upon layer of false beliefs about oneself and the world around you. It would take too long to list all the potential beliefs you accidentally picked up from life. For now, just know that they’re there. Like many have said in the past, over identification with the physical body and the physical world limits you and gets in the way of the peace, love and joy available to you. Now’s the time to fully step into the belief that you’re much more that you know. You don’t have to understand it all or know how you’re going to figure it all out. Just begin to separate from the belief that you’re separate. Meaning, believe that your physical body is truly a vehicle. A vehicle that’s transporting the actual you, which is a limitless spirit. A spirit that is unflappable and untrappable. The light of God lives in you. Keep saying your prayers and helping others. It’s working. 

From this understanding we can see more clearly why it may be beneficial for you to do some type of regular spiritual practice that supports this belief in growing within you. Not because the physical body is bad or anything but a gift. But because the more you connect with this truth of your life the more compassion, respect, honor, appreciation, energy and love you gain for yourself, your life and those around you. 


Here are some potential places to begin this work (or add to what you’re already doing.) I could speak in detail about all of these and there are many more options. Let me know if you have questions. This is meant to be a list that get’s you started. Which one speaks to you? Once you choose make it happen. 


  1. Meditation: So many types. Contact me to learn or check out some of the new meditation apps out there. 
  2. Spiritual Counseling/Mentorship: People gifted and trained in supporting you to notice and evolve through the false beliefs. Contact me for mentorship or research the many other people out there. 
  3. Yoga 
  4. Breath work
  5. Journaling practice: many books to guide you out there. Or you can just start by authentically sharing on paper how you feel each day. 
  6. Retreats: find a meditation retreat or a retreat that seems to fit a spiritual theme you’re interested in. 
  7. Vedic Astrology: An astrology reading can pinpoint and support a person in growing towards greater self awareness and stress release