by David | Dec 30, 2022 | Blog
Orient, Mirror and Reflect Back The Universe has many creative ways of speaking to you! Part 1 1. Start but taking a breath and settling into your space. 2. Begin to slowly look around until your eyes settle on something that seems attractive to you or...
by David | Dec 30, 2022 | Blog
Experiences Shared…”In the days approaching my Vedic astrology reading I was excited but because it was my first and I didn’t know what to expect I was a little nervous. Dave’s persona quickly made me feel comfortable and I became enthralled in the...
by David | Dec 30, 2022 | Blog
Can you love what you hide? We all have parts of ourselves we’ve spent years hiding. We develop very interesting habits of wearing a certain type of clothing to cover up the parts of us we wish were different. We carry shame for the times we are...
by David | Apr 10, 2018 | Ayurveda, Blog, Consciousness Cocktails, Larger Lessons Therapies, Motivation, Radiant Living Strategies
2018 has been a wild ride for many. In some cases, life has suddenly taking a magical and/or challenging turn in a direction that wasn’t expected. It’s at these times our nervous system gets knocked around and feelings of stress, fear and anxiety can...
by David | Jan 4, 2018 | Consciousness Cocktails, Larger Lessons Therapies, Motivation, Radiant Living Strategies, Secrets from Table, Spiritual Side of Things, Strategies for Success, Stress Management, The Subtle-Energy Body
Happy New Year! Welcome to the transformative energy of 2018!!! Do any of these sound like the 2018 you? -It’s time to feel comfortable in my own skin -It’s time to speak up/speak my truth -I’m ready to be in a healthy, romantic relationship -I’d like a better...