by David | Feb 25, 2014 | Secrets from Table, Spiritual Side of Things, Strategies for Success, Stress Management, The Subtle-Energy Body
This is an email message I received the day after a Transformational Healing Session. This woman was pregnant and came in for a session because of horrible morning sickness, inflammation in the body (to the point of being unable to sleep) and a lack of feeling...
by David | Feb 24, 2014 | Blog, Spiritual Side of Things, Strategies for Success, The Subtle-Energy Body
[youtube_sc url=”” width=”480″ height=”260″] “I sat down to analyze the astrology chart. I glanced at the first house and as I did something ‘clicked’. It was like a flash of light, then...
by David | Feb 20, 2014 | Blog, Spiritual Side of Things, The Subtle-Energy Body
Metatron means either “one who guards” or “one serves behind God’s throne.” 1. known as the angel of life. 2. He guards the Tree of Life and records happening of the earth in the Akoshic records. 3. Metatron is the spiritual brother of...
by David | Feb 11, 2014 | Blog, Spiritual Side of Things, The Subtle-Energy Body
Bond-Balancing Meditation This meditation supports you in experiencing the energetic dynamic between you and another person. It sheds light on the flow of energy between you two and also provides a healing/re-balancing if the energy is off. Before beginning the...
by David | Jan 17, 2014 | Consciousness Cocktails, Larger Lessons Therapies, Spiritual Side of Things, The Subtle-Energy Body
Consciousness Cocktail: Time Travel Drinks for two…well two meaning you now and you then! Wish you knew then what you know now? Experiences from our past impact us today. A stressful or intense experience that happened many years ago can grip our emotional body, drain...
by David | Jan 7, 2014 | Blog, Radiant Living Strategies, Strategies for Success, The Subtle-Energy Body
The Daily Retreat The question of the week seems to be, “What can I do to spiritually awaken in 2014?” So here you go…Over the next 10 weeks I’m going to share with you my top strategies for spiritual awakening in 2014. Surprise!!! Not...