Venus: In Pursuit of Happiness (48in x 48in) SOLD smile, dance and play allow yourself to break free those are the parts of you deeply connected with me tasting the colors of your life is what I’m interested in and something special happens when those colors connect...
Peace Flow (sold) through relationships with people our hearts learn and grow until the day we’ve learned enough and love is all we know but on the way there may be bumps caused by the fear that’s in the way which in turned causes us to hold back the words we say and...
One Truth (sold) hidden deep within you was everything you need everything to give and love everything to succeed but like a floating iceberg you only saw your tip and the rest of you was hidden in the deep just beneath it through lives of continued swimming you’ve...
Earth Angel: (24x48in) SOLD -this painting is formulated to balance Vata Dosha know the you’re part of a team here to change the world to add a layer to the canvas that is this swirling mural Earth is glad that you’ve arrived ‘cause she’s worried by what she sees...
The Soul Of John Lennon 48x48inin SOLD stop, think and don’t react nor let emotions take you away the truth about my blessed life is I was never meant to stay like many who have come before my legacy I left behind a catalogue of special tunes made for this...