A recent reading…

A recent reading…

A Gaze into a Recent Reading This is an excerpt from a recent psychic astrology reading… This is a time in your life in which you’re being given the opportunity to release some of the stress/baggage you carry that causes you mental agitation and at times,...
Adjust and Trust as a Way Out of Worry

Adjust and Trust as a Way Out of Worry

This is a channeled message from the Angels of the Golden Ray Adjust and Trust as a Way Out of Worry Life isn’t always about absolutes. It’s about ebbing, flowing, adjusting and trusting in the Divine plan and scheme of things. As humans, you often times,...
Clean up your own…

Clean up your own…

CLEAN UP YOUR OWN BACKYARD BEFORE YOU GO KNOCKING ON YOUR NEIGHBOR’S DOOR Things are moving in the right direction. Self love and acceptance will win the day. The best action steps to consider in 2024 100% starts with yourself. This world and the things going on...
Gifts Exist Within You

Gifts Exist Within You

This is a channeled message from the Angels of the Golden Ray Gifts Exist Within You First know that you have a lot to offer. You carry many gifts made of wisdom, love, creativity and more within you and many are lying dormant, waiting to be called upon. Waiting for...
You are the Answered Prayers of Others

You are the Answered Prayers of Others

This is a channeled message from the Angels of the Golden Ray You are the Answered Prayers of Others  The highest level of the Spirit of God (AKA: Unified Field, Christ Consciousness, Higher Power, etc.) lives within you. Every person on this planet carries this same,...
Unflappable and Untrappable

Unflappable and Untrappable

This is a channeled message from the Angels of the Golden Ray Unflappable and Untrappable Oh how grandiose your desires for life can be! For too long and way too often you sell yourself short thwarting the magnificent potential seeded within you. Understand there’s...