

Aura Sold No poem   Stay Connected Get inspirational poems, new artwork releases and meditations to inspire healing, connection and love. Success! First Name Email...
Love Vortex

Love Vortex

Love Vortex (sold) I am love it’s why I created this to break away from what I am and experience separateness you may ask why why do such a thing why split from total love and enter the human ring well can you imagine what it would be like to be only one thing never...


Hearts (36x36in) SOLD the heart is something interesting with many parts and pieces and the road to get to my heart has been tough for many reasons first there was lifetimes ago when I took good love for granted I used, abused, came back and left until she couldn’t...
Crossroads II

Crossroads II

Buy Me! The Crossroads II  36x36in  SOLD at this moment in my lifeI feel the weight of all the roadsthat my soul had once travelled onon this journey back to home that wandering mentalityseems imprinted deep within‘cause at this moment in my journeyI’m haunted by...


Piper SOLD what I’d like to say to you is I’ve never given up even when the current strong and winds filling my cup   I stand here as strong as me my heart facing the world looking up at the blue sky committed to painting my heart’s mural   I’m calm, I’m...