Orient and Reflect Back

Orient and Reflect Back

Orient, Mirror and Reflect Back The Universe has many creative ways of speaking to you! Part 1 1. Start but taking a breath and settling into your space. 2. Begin to slowly look around until your eyes settle on something that seems attractive to you or...
What are people saying about Vedic Astrology Readings?

What are people saying about Vedic Astrology Readings?

Experiences Shared…”In the days approaching my Vedic astrology reading I was excited but because it was my first and I didn’t know what to expect I was a little nervous. Dave’s persona quickly made me feel comfortable and I became enthralled in the...
Love What You Hide

Love What You Hide

Can you love what you hide? We all have parts of ourselves we’ve spent years hiding. We develop very interesting habits of wearing a certain type of clothing to cover up the parts of us we wish were different. We carry shame for the times we are...
BareNaked Podcast Interview

BareNaked Podcast Interview

So grateful for this podcast interview with Emily Ann Peterson from barenakedbravery.com. Talking with people about what I’m up to and sharing what’s really going on with me is a huge help in keeping this amazing art and poetry flow going. Here’s...